310 S Twin Oaks Valley Rd #107-264, San Marcos, CA 92078


Self & Match Maker

Our Self & Match Maker is an easy-to-use online tool to help you quickly create Self & Match forms for your students and clients. In less than 2 minutes, you can make individualized forms to align with specific goals. Access is simply gained by visiting www.selfandmatchmaker.com and creating an account with the single-user log-in code that can be found on the front inside cover of your printed manual.

Watch our quick video below to learn how Self & Match Maker works. Create a customized form in 5 easy steps.

Using Self & Match Maker

Customize the criteria, rating intervals, number of questions, and other key factors on each form

Access a variety of student response options such as Yes/No, Smile/Frown, Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down, etc.

Download each customized Self & Match form as a PDF or Word Doc

Change the value of each “Yes Match” from 2 points to 5 points and adjust the goal level