310 S Twin Oaks Valley Rd #107-264, San Marcos, CA 92078


Self & Match Forms

Self & Match forms are dynamic tools, evolving alongside behavioral growth. At the core of each form lies a positive collaboration between educators, parents, and the child, teen, or young adult participating in the program. The form is meticulously created, keeping in mind the unique dynamics of students, classrooms, schools, and clinics. What sets the Self & Match System apart is the opportunity for the user to seamlessly adapt the form. This ensures a solution that’s not just effective, but tailor-made to align with student needs.As progress takes root and flourishes over time, the forms can be revised to ensure that an intervention remains finely tuned to the individual’s journey of behavioral improvement. Form changes can be made on paper or in the digital realm to suit your team’s preferences and strategies.

Individualizing Self & Match Forms

Each Self & Match form is customized for a specific user or class. Considerations made in developing each form include the interests of the student/client; academic level of functioning; current target areas of growth; and frequency of check ins. When creating the form the user will establish:

Specific Goals - Precise behavioral milestones that pave the way for growth

Specific Rating Opportunities - Targeted instances for measuring progress and celebrating accomplishments

Specific Rewards - Tailored incentives that resonate with participants, boosting motivation and fostering a sense of achievement

Individualizing Self & Match forms
Creating Self & Match forms

Creating Self & Match Forms

Self & Match forms are the foundation of the Self & Match System. Depending upon the preferences of the collaborators creating the forms and the individuals participating in the program, the Self & Match System offers three options for accessing, creating and utilizing Self & Match forms: email request, Self & Match forms portal, and the Self & Match Maker site.

Self & Match Manual - Individual forms included in the Self & Match Manual are available by request via email.

Self & Match Maker* - Easy-to-use online tool to create and download customized forms to meet individual needs.

*The e-book version of this manual is discounted from the printed manual price and therefore does not include access to the supplemental forms portal or Self & Match Maker. However, access to the forms can be purchased by completing a form included in the e-book.

Accessing Forms on The Self & Match Forms Portal

The Self & Match System Forms Portal is available to purchasers of the print version of the Self & Match Manual. After purchasing the Self & Match Manual, you will receive a Welcome Email that includes and link and instructions for accessing  the Forms Portal.

Digital access to the ``Considerations Prior to Implementation`` Guide

Variety of downloadable form template to select from that most closely meets your needs

Supplemental resources such as information to share with parents, team members, and data sheets

Short video clips from the Self & Match co-creators providing tips for implementing the intervention

Self & Match forms portal

Self & Match Forms Extra Bonus

Digital Self & Match Forms

The forms are customizable to support individualized needs that are determined through the ``Considerations Prior to Implementation Guide``

Data is automatically collected and assembled in a summary sheet and can be tracked over time for each participant

Data is automatically graphed over time and available for referencing to making data-based changes to the form over time as behavior changes