310 S Twin Oaks Valley Rd #107-264, San Marcos, CA 92078



Self and Match  / Testimonials

I am a behavior specialist with a public school system. I also use this system with my own young children, especially for school breaks and summer time. It is so easy to use and really emphasizes self-awareness, along with positive behavior. I highly recommend this program for any and all who want to increase and reinforce positive behaviors!

Amy G


I can't thank Jamie and Katie enough for creating this valuable tool. As an experienced school psychologist, I can unequivocally say that Self & Match is my go-to tool for general education or special education teachers struggling with problem behavior students. I have been using Self & Match since the beginning and no other tool comes close in effectiveness in my opinion. Teaching self-reflection and ownership of behaviors to students with maladaptive behaviors is very difficult. What Self & Match excels in: goal oriented, self-monitoring, reinforcing positive behaviors, 1:1 attention, self-reflection, and accountability. Even though I tweaked the Self & Match charts to match my liking over the years, the essential elements remain the same. I have used Self & Match with various populations and grades ranging from K-8. It has proven to be effective in all environments: general education, special ed classrooms, and social-emotional programs. I have even recommended the system to my cohort in my doctorate program. If you have a dedicated teacher who is willing try and stay consistent in implementation then this is the tool for you.

Eun P

School Psychologist

As a general education teacher, I work with a wide variety of students with varying social, emotional, behavioral, and academic needs. In my classroom I have used, and met great success, with The Self & Match System. This self-monitoring system gives students the ability to be aware of their behaviors and gives them a sense of ownership over their behavior. In my 10 years of teaching I have used many different behavior monitoring tools, The Self & Match System, in my opinion is one of the best! Students know what their daily goals are, the system is easy for parents and students to understand, and it can be implemented as a whole class behavior system or on an individual basis. I would recommend the Self & Match System to all educators. I truly believe that this system can positively affect the dynamic of any classroom!

Robyn E

General Education Teacher

The Self & Match System reduces unnecessary costs in litigation. As a Director of Special Education, I find The Self & Match System affordable, user friendly, and highly effective. Currently, my entire special education department is trained in using The Self and Match System. It's currently being implemented across a variety of classroom settings within our District. When implemented with fidelity, The Self & Match System reduces unnecessary costs in litigation, non-public schools, and outside behavior agencies.

Mimi M

Director of Special Education
Ann Ruiz
Envato Market

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Jordan Collins
Graphic River

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Angela Garcia
Theme Forest

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